Saturday, July 20, 2024

CDD report: 57% of Ghanaians want President to focus on job creation, 62% doubt his fight against corruption

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Center for Democratic Development (CDD) said its post-election survey has shown that Ghanaians do not believe President Akufo Addo is ready to fight corruption.

Overwhelming 62% of the respondents sampled by the report have cast doubt in the ability of the President to end the menace.

The report said the figure was out of 2,400 Ghanaians interviewed in a post-election survey conducted between May 23 and June 3, 2021.

It said “While Ghanaians are split (48% vs. 48%) on the government’s ability to ensure that rule of law is upheld in the next four years, majority [of them] are not confident in its ability to protect the country’s financial resources (53%) and curb corruption and official impunity (62%)”.

While this may look like a vote of no confidence in the president to fight corruption, which was one of his campaign promises since 2008, some Ghanaians think he should redirect his energy to ensuring jobs are available to the teeming unemployed youth.

More than half, 57% of the respondents, have asked President Akufo-Addo to focus on job creation in his second term since fighting corruption not seem to be his forte.

Majority of the respondents also believe the president, going forward, should prioritize areas such as unemployment, infrastructure, roads, education, management of the economy and health.

You can peruse the rest of the report below for more

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